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Swine Premixes & Show Pig Feeds

Swine Premixes & Show Pig Feeds

  • Contains special protein sources, such as fishmeal for muscle development.

  • All Pig feeds are High Lysine!

  • Our Show Pig 18-120 available as a Pellet or a Meal.

  • Optimum vitamin/ trace mineral levels.

Swine Premixes

SWINE 55 PREMIX with Amino Acids®

A Premix For Grower-Finisher Pigs contains Lysine, Methionine, and Threonine

• Supports High Performance

• Improved Feed Conversion

• Makes Highly Fortified Rations Which Maximise The Pigs Genetic Potential

• Optimum Trace Mineral Levels

• Premix Corrects Cal/Phos. Levels

• Clean, Uniform, and Dust-Free

• Easy to Use; 1 Bag per Ton

• Added Amino Acids: Lysine, Methionine, and Threonine

• Organic Selenium Included

Guaranteed Analysis
Lysine Min. 11.00%
Calcium (Ca) Min.16.61% Max. 20.61%
Phosphorus (P) Min. 3.23%
Salt (NaCl) Min. 13.48% Max. 15.48%
Selenium (Se) Min. 10.0 ppm
Zinc (Zn) Min. 2000 ppm
Sample Rations
%Protein 16.0% 18.0%
Corn, Coarse Ground 1500 1400
48% Soybean Meal 425 525
Swine 55 Premix 55 55
Soybean Oil 20 20
2000# 2000#

Feeding Directions: Feed to growing and finishing swine according to the rations listed below.

#50107 — 55#
Ship wt. 58 lbs.
$ 40.97


Contains phytase which can increase digestibility of phytin-bound phosphorus in swine diets.

• Supports High Milk Production

• Improved Re-Breeding Intervals

• High Phytase = Improved Phos-phorous Utilization

• Improves Sow Longevity

• Optimum Trace Mineral Levels

• Premix Corrects Cal/Phos. Levels

• Clean, Uniform, and Dust-Free

• Easy to Use; 2 Bags per Ton

• Added Amino Acids: Lysine and Threonine

• Organic Selenium for Pig Survival.

Guaranteed Analysis
Lysine Min. 3.26%
Calcium (Ca) Min. 15.61% Max. 18.72%
Phosphorus (P) Min. 5.69%
Salt (NaCl) Min. 9.00% Max. 10.80%
Selenium (Se) Min. 6.0 ppm
Zinc (Zn) Min. 2,200 ppm
Phytase Min. 9,072 FTU/lb
Sample Rations
%Protein Gestation Lactation
% Protein 12.5 14.1 15.7 17.0
Corn, Coarse Ground 1690 1605 1500 1440
48% Soybean Meal 200 285 360 420
Sow Premix 100 100 100 100 100
Soybean Oil 10 10 40 40
2000# 2000# 2000# 2000#

Feeding Directions: Daily feeding rates for sows and gilts in gestation will depend on achieving individual body condition targets. Guidelines: Feed gestating sows 6-8 pounds of feed per a day. Feed lactating sows 8-15 pounds of feed per a day.

#50101 — 50#
Ship wt. 53 lbs.
$ 33.46
Show Pig Feeds

SHOW PIG 18–120

“Nutritionally Superior Formula Puts on Muscle, and Correct Finish!”

18% protein, 1.20 % Lysine! This is a very high lysine ration for show pigs. Best used as a full fed ration for young show pigs, then as a limit fed ration to pigs that need to have their weight held without losing muscle.

This feed is balanced to provide for all the nutritional needs of the animal, and should be the sole source of feed for show pigs. Our customers tell us SHOW PIG 18 –120 ‘held’ their pigs – putting on muscle – not fat! Pelleted + Meal Form.

#50100 Pellets — 50#
Ship wt. 52 lbs.
Call for Pricing
#50102 Meal — 50#
Ship wt. 52 lbs.
Call for Pricing

Nearly all of our customers use SHOW PIG 18–120 from the time they get their pigs thru the show. They start the pigs out on full feed. At about 80–90% of show weight they begin limit feeding SHOW PIG 18–120 to about 5–6 lbs. Additionally they topdress 4–6 ounces of TOPLINE daily.


A pelleted show animal supplement that is fed in addition to the animals normal feed. Formulated for show lambs, calves, pigs, and goats; to aid in improving and maintaining firmness of muscling of the animals topline. The special protein sources, which include multiple bypass protein sources, allow TOPLINE to help maintain the ‘tops’ of animals that are being worked and/or having weight held for a show.

Topline contains ingredients which aid in stimulating appetite, improving feed utilization, improving overall health and disease resistance, keeping animals fresh, healthy and on feed, and maintaining a normal rumen pH.

#501508 — 50# Bag
Ship wt. 52 lbs.
$ 45.88
#501508B — 30# Bucket
Ship wt. 32 lbs.
$ 39.30
Pig Feeds


16% Pig Grower is a palatable, dust free meal type feed for growing and finishing pigs. This well fortified grower keeps pigs healthy and gaining quickly.

#50109 MEAL — 50#
Ship wt. 52 lbs.
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